Friday, February 11, 2022

He Was the Son of His Younger Brother

 74 Years Ago Today

Wednesday 11th of February 1948
Film director Sergeï Mikhailovich Eisenstein dies of a heart attack at the age of 50 in Moscow, Central Federal District, Russia.
He spent most of his childhood spent there with his friend, his best friend and the greatest composer he ever met. He was the son of his younger brother, Mikhail Eisenstein. Eisenstein, who died of cancer in 1994, was born on 19th February 1948, in a small city in central Moscow near Russia's Saginaw. The name is shortened from "Lepidopteric Palace" meaning "Little Lepidopteric Palace". His death was announced by his friend, Piotr Eisenstein and his wife. Eisenstein, who studied ballet at Moscow State University in the early to mid-1940s, was a musical composer; He had been an active member of the orchestra at the time. The family was very close to their artist. He passed away from the disease, having studied with him all his life. Eisenstein received the Academy's prestigious Academy Award in 1958 and his performance also won the Academy's first prize of the year at that time.
This film is dedicated to Eisenstein who will be buried on 6th August. It was directed by Sergeï Eisenstein with the benefit of the great talents of the original cinematographer.
Saginaw Metropolitan Museum of Art is a historic site in eastern Siberia, located near the city.

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