Saturday, February 12, 2022

Jeffrey Was Appointed President of the International Federation for the Restoration of the Bones of the Murnau Memorial

 28 Years Ago Today

Saturday 12th of February 1994
Minimal artist Donald Clarence Judd dies of Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma at the age of 66 in New York, Manhattan, New York, United States.
He is survived by three daughters (Nita, Jennifer, Karen); nine grandchildren; three great-grandchildren (Dwight, Nancy, James, Nancy); and two great-great-grandchildren and great-great-great-grandchildren. He is preceded by his wife, Jennifer, a professional actress whose artistry transcended the physical; one brother and sister-in-law, James Judd. On 8th May 1994, Jeffrey was appointed president of the International Federation for the Restoration of the Bones of the Murnau Memorial in Fort Wayne, Michigan. Since he died, the International Federation has been supporting the restoration of mummified bones of Mr. Jeffrey. This exhibition is scheduled to open at the International Museum of Mummified Bones in Fort Wayne in April 1993. On 11th April 1993, Jeffrey was named to the Honorary Chair for a Royal Society of Mummification in New York State. Jeffrey's death gives the Royal Society a unique opportunity to honor his work. On 1st July 1995, in the midst of the National Committee to Investigate the Causes of Missing or Murdered, a Royal Research Institute at the University of Michigan, Inc., was established, a committee of investigators and historians conducted its own case.

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