69 Years Ago Today She Just Wanted to Have Fun
Monday 22nd of June 1953Singer-songwriter Cyndi Cynthia Ann Stephanie Lauper is born in Ozone Park, New York, Queens, New York, United States.
Her mother is Laura K. Ann Lauper. As a child she worked in art and public services as a volunteer educator, teacher, etc. She is also the author of numerous works, including one with a contemporary character, The Love Letters, which is currently an award-winning memoir about being a serial slave. At 5' 7", she is around 145 lbs, weighs about 50 lbs. When her parents divorced she moved with her sister to Los Angeles, California where she eventually became an independent artist. Laura went on to a small stage acting and producing shows and recording his music entitled The Love Letters. During her time with The Love Letters she became an avid listener of vintage and jazz music and played pianos. Her early favorite instrument is a Yamaha Stromboli, which she uses as her musical instrument, the piano, and other instruments such as banjo, banjos, crescendo, crescendo drum, banjo organ. She is also a student manager with The Kettlebells and other shows which help her build success as a performer. She currently lives in California, USA. Her brother is John and both daughters live there. Her brother is married and has three children (two boys).
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