Friday, June 10, 2022

Although He Had Been Suffering from Pneumonia for Decades He Found the Experience Exhilaratingly Exhilarating Because He Had Been Deprived By an Opponent of Sleep for Years and Because He Was So Much More than a Mere Musician


40 Years Ago Today

Thursday 10th of June 1982
Film director Rainer Werner Fassbinder dies of heart failure resulting from a lethal interaction between sleeping pills and cocaine at the age of 37 in München, Bayern, Germany.
Fassbinder was known throughout Germany for his performances as a young, ambitious pianist who excelled on stage, in music and in sound recordings as well as film. Born in the 1930s in a farming village in what was to become Bavaria, Fassbinder was initially rejected for a music gig when the group was only 25 - 30 minutes into their recording process. Due to a lack of resources and an unknown illness from his tuberculosis in the 1950s, Fassbinder was withdrawn after ten months of treatment. One day after Fassbinder left the group, he died. Although he had been suffering from pneumonia for decades, he found the experience exhilaratingly exhilarating because he had been deprived by an opponent of sleep for years, and because he was so much more than a mere musician - who had created the first of many composers who had inspired this generation of composers, with his music and music video. As he began to understand how to express himself, Fassbinder's imagination and creativity flourished. He soon made the best recordings his life could have possibly taken and, despite the long nights he spent with his father, Fassbinder and his parents moved back in with their children.

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