Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The Show Was Named After the Man Who Once Stabbed John Lennon in a Car in Manchester and the Murder of British Intelligence Boss John Lennon

 67 Years Ago Today

Tuesday 10th of May 1955
Murderer Mark David Chapman aka The Man Who Shot John Lennon is born in Fort Worth, Texas, United States.
In 1961 he moved to Australia to pursue his education before taking up a job. After working briefly on films for the ABC television network he started writing cartoons, and when his cartoons became popular he set out to publish one of his cartoons, entitled "The Man Who Fought the World." The show was named after the man who once stabbed John Lennon in a car in Manchester and the murder of British Intelligence boss John Lennon. Shortly thereafter Chapman went back to the US on a teaching loan, and he was promoted to a lecturer in linguistics, a specialty he pursued in the United Kingdom. He later worked as a freelance writer, producing the comedy "The Great Gatsby" and later producing "The Great Gatsby 5" as well. Chapman was a prolific screenwriter, animator and writer, drawing sketches for both TV and film on his own terms; in 1985 he was featured on "The Incredible Hulk," the 1985 shortlist-produced animated film "Walt Disney's Adventures in Space" and, in 1996's "The Wizard of Oz," an animated movie based on "The Wizard's World." For more information contact Richard Miller @rossmiller.com or call 855-383-6245. The Author: Richard Miller. The Son of the Father is the name given to.

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