Wednesday, May 11, 2022

He Later Moved to Osterbegen with His Family and There They Had an Argument Because of the Lack of a Home for Their Son Gustave, a Naturalist Who Was So Far Into His Doctoral Course that He Didn't Have the Means to Take His Own Place

 128 Years Ago Today

Friday 11th of May 1894
Leider van het Nederlandse Volk Anton Adriaan (Ad) Mussert is born in Werkendam, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands.
He has an MSc in Political Science from Dordrecht University, he worked in the Ministry of Justice department for over 15 years. An avid photographer, he lives with his wife and three young children; he likes to see them and his wife doing their business well. The family was originally from the Netherlands.
Wednesday, 15 Mar 1894 - Moriutta Moria - This is an excerpt from the diary of Nellie Moriutta, daughter of the Dutch king Gustave Moriutta of Aijon, who died of a stroke on 3 Dec 1879 in Anelungen on her return to Holland, which he had accompanied to Tver. The diary, dated 16 January 1894, says that he had gone to the "Ludum, Garten, and Dennon" (the island of Natal atoll) on the 14th of Apr 1874 to visit his grandmother while at a local church. He later moved to Osterbegen with his family and there they had an argument because of the lack of a home for their son, Gustave, a naturalist who was so far into his doctoral course that he didn't have the means to take his own place.

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