144 Years Ago Today
Tuesday 5th of March 1878Mathematician and esotericist Peter Pyotr Demianovich Ouspensky is born in Moscow, Central Federal District, Russia.
He is a pupil for an academic research on mathematics and geometry held at the Institute of Mathematics in Moscow, the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences in St.-Germain and at the University of Halkenburg; his work is based on the discovery that a large fraction of the water in his urine does not belong to the water in the ocean, a finding based on tests in an underwater chamber measuring the concentration of water molecules such as hydrogen chloride and ammonia. Peter believes that water is the source of the energy of all the particles in the universe or of the physical system on which the universe rests. His work is oriented toward the conservation of the physical system in a way that maintains energy to energy balance. The results of his research demonstrate that water is one of the only substances for which life remains viable, an area of intense research that has no place in today's technical knowledge-that is, we can only speculate about what may be the mechanisms that have made this possible. Peter is currently in his third year of graduate school in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Moscow's University of Halkenburg, and is engaged in intensive research that culminates in his entry in the United Nations Department of Science and Technology's Advanced Materials Council.
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