Thursday, February 10, 2022

Jimmy's Life Changed When a Mysterious Individual Named Colonel Edward "Elmer" Luell Found His Missing Hand in the Woods on January 2nd, 1904

 129 Years Ago Today

Friday 10th of February 1893

Comedian and actor Jimmy James Francis Durante aka The Great Schnozzola is born in New York, Brooklyn, New York, United States.

He died October 13, 1967 after a battle with Crohn's Disease. Jimmy is best known for a variety of TV programs including the first episode of the Emmy® Awards, the first episode of The Big Bang Theory, The Grand Tour, and a Comedy Central documentary starring him as David O. Russell (voice of Jimmy).

Jimmy was born in New York, December 31st, 1897. He attended the local elementary school, and was accepted into his sophomore year in the school. During the junior year he was accepted to play the part of Colonel "Ace" Liddell, a Confederate war veteran killed by Union forces in 1881.

On January 28th, 1901, he graduated from the University of Southern California with a degree in Music from the School of Music. Jimmy's life changed when a mysterious individual named Colonel Edward "Elmer" Luell found his missing hand in the woods on January 2nd, 1904. It is this individual that continues to be the personal physician of Jimmy's son, Edgar Jr., Jr., who was born on 21 January, 1897. Edgar Jr. died at the age of 15 before his child was able to see his true colors. Edgar Jr. was the only child of Elmer Jr.

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