Tuesday, February 22, 2022

In 1959 He Released the World Famous 'Love Me' Single

 122 Years Ago Today

Thursday 22nd of February 1900
Surrealist filmmaker Luis Buñuel aka Le Chien Andalou is born as Buñuel Portolés in Calanda, Teruel, Spain.
An old college guy and a young young scholar he graduated with a degree in physics. Later he graduated with a degree in psychology. In 1947 he completed his degree in physics and applied to Calcutta University. During that time he created his favourite film, Unseen. In 1953 he became a producer, filmmaker, lecturer, etc. In 1959 he released the world famous 'Love Me' single. He also did a bunch of other things, like writing his most popular movie script and many other things.
His first film had a special theme which was shot at Bollywood in 1978. However, Buñuel said that he realised that he could not get the scene to work which he was struggling with for years now. The theme didn't work and Buñuel took it to the next level. He has a short film and now has six projects. A new film is in the works. Buñuel still owns the picture industry company, i.e. the film industry, which created the name of this film. He bought the studio, said to others, well, I am a director. The name is called 'Love me'.
(He) is said to be the guy who made everything about him.

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