Thursday, November 25, 2021

The Human World Was Under the Direct Control and Hands of Christ and His Apostles

 199 Years Ago Today

Monday 25th of November 1822
Sodomite William King is executed by hanging in Newgate Prison, London, Greater London, United Kingdom. King was charged with an 'unnatural offence'. 
Augustine of Canterbury in the First Ecumenical Council on Rome.
The sentence of Innocent I, who took in his own life without trial, was described in the Apostolic Constitutions: "This sentence, and by which, I mean, this judgment of the Church, was made at Rome on 4 July 1788, that the human world was under the direct control and hands of Christ and his apostles, and that therefore God himself had decreed that the human world must be taken and brought to a state of grace and perfect perfection through grace", at Constantinople, 1 July 1786. There was widespread scepticism before the death of this Roman pontiff. Gregory VII, the most eminent Orthodox historian, quoted his own words (cf. Eusebius in John 15:21 ). Augustine, as Archbishop Gregory of Nyssa, held that the Holy Spirit is sent by God to save humanity from sin. An anonymous Greek critic wrote of the papacy (4 Cor. 2:2-5). This book was in no way a repudiation of Christ's teachings. Gregory's own words were not. Indeed, these verses are directly connected to the "one God" in Acts 5:22-31.

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