Tuesday, April 26, 2022

He Had Many Opponents

 133 Years Ago Today He Would Be Better Understood in the Future

Friday 26th of April 1889
Philosopher Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein is born in Wittgenstein Palace, Alleegasse 16, Wien, Wien, Austria-Hungary.
His father, Wilhelm the Great, was a mathematician. Following this he worked with the British and the Swedes at Wien University. He became interested in quantum physics but died in 1895 in Vienna, Austria. Later Wilhelm became one of the most influential figures in Austrian science. He married Maria Koltovitch, daughter of Russian immigrants to Switzerland. The young Wilhelm is a good friend of Professor Ludwig von Köhler. He is also known as a great politician and as a poet. The author is very popular for his short stories. In 1914-1916 he founded The New York Times Literary Society. The following year his wife was divorced in order to marry his brother. He continues to appear in the literature. He was once the editor of a major book called The Life and Times of Ludwig von Mises: The Rise, Fall and Fate of Ludwig von Mises in 1845-1863. Mises in later years edited The History of Finance and also published The Wealth of Nations. There was much controversy around whether Mises was a revolutionary. Mises said that he would follow the philosophy of his contemporaries who had been following a classical version of that philosophy. He had many opponents.

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