Thursday, March 24, 2022

I Shoot a Lot of Portraits and I Am Always Keen to Look Into New and Interesting Works of Art

 148 Years Ago Today

Tuesday 24th of March 1874
Illusionist, magician and escapologist Harry Houdini aka The Handcuff King is born as Erik Weisz in Budapest, Közép-Magyarország, Hungary.
He works as a lawyer and a private detective working with his uncle, a priest. He has one daughter and a son. He has an active blog on YouTube and on Facebook.

I am a photographer. I shoot a lot of portraits and I am always keen to look into new and interesting works of art.

On May 17th, 1978, I bought a 12 inch 12 x 13 inch poster, in silver. Unfortunately, my local art dealer refused to sell the poster and we left town. The dealer called me and said that, because only one poster was delivered, I could not make it in time for Christmas. We went back to my home state of Michigan and I was able to get a copy of the poster for the first time.

The picture shows an area of the park that was formerly used for many years as an art studio. The mural in the upper right shows an outdoor area and some large stone staircases. The mural is from about 1950, about 15 years ago.

The last version of this poster was sent by mail from New Jersey in December, 1978.. It was sent back by Frank Wainwright who has sent me many.

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