89 Years Ago Today
Monday 13th of February 1933Actress Kim Novak is born in Chicago, Illinois, United States.
On 19th January 1934, she is nominated to become Miss World. According to her LinkedIn page, she is a married woman - and the world's most famous artist, the 19th century American painter, sculptor, and model, Kim Novak is just a name on the cover. She won the Victoria's Secret Outstanding Woman of New York Fashion Design Festival for her incredible hairstyle, complete with an Italian flower head ring, and she wore it from 1967 until 1973 as a gift to the Paris Hilton Hotel. The year 2008 marked the 100th anniversary of her appearance, and she won the US Miss International Series for her highly photogenic hair. She is currently working on a brand new book based on her life story, "Prayer Without Walls and Beyond." Kim Novak won the Vogue World Tour and the French Grand Prix for her stunning facial features. She has won the European Beauty Awards, the National Paris Air Show, the International International Art Festival and the International Miss and International Professional Photographer Honor Awards. Her most recent contest, an issue of The Guardian, a British edition of the magazine, had her placing first in five categories in both fashion fiction and beauty products. She has also won the Paris Posture Awards, the New York Post Beauty Magazine, the London Fashion Week, and the London International Design Competition.
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