Friday, February 18, 2022

She Married Anne Boleyn in 1515 and Until Her Marriage Never Even Entertained a Husband

 506 Years Ago Today

Friday 18th of February 1516
Queen of England and Ireland Mary Tudor aka Bloody Mary is born in Palace of Placentia, London, Greenwich, Greater London, United Kingdom.
She married Anne Boleyn in 1515 and, until her marriage, never even entertained a husband. She had no previous experience of religion or any spiritual practice during her life. She left her husband "with almost no religious experiences and no spiritual power." She remained with her husband and eventually married Peter L. (born May 17, 1527). In 1520 she began marrying Peter, who married her cousin Henry of St. Vincent in 1535 and married her. In 1543 she continued her religious practice and was married by Anne Boleyn in 1343 to Peter L. Boleyn, who is said to have become her grandson after her death. Anne Boleyn died in 1547, aged 80. Mary survived her husband's assassination in 1539, but was not married. Mary became one of the first Catholics in Britain and, during her lifetime as a Catholic, she was well known and sought to follow Mary's teachings in her daily life. She became one of the principal figures in Catholic learning, gaining her name in the 18th century by becoming "Queen Anne's daughter"; the first Catholic in Britain. In 1552 she became Duke of Somerset and married his grandson and the first Catholic to be installed at the throne by Queen Elizabeth I

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