80 Years Ago Today
Saturday 28th of February 1942Rolling Stone Brian Lewis Hopkins Jones is born in Park Nursing Home, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom.
He is fluent in three, four, and five languages, and he has served a total of 3.500 years of service as the commander of the British Expeditionary Forces during World War II. He is also an avid cyclist and has held multiple honorary captain post. Born at Woburn-Nairobi in 1939, he is an avid runner and has completed seven consecutive sprints, and four marathons. He is the son of David and Mariel Floyd and was raised in the village of Woburn. He resides in Nottinghamshire, and is married to Rachel Riggs. The family has been very happy since the day they moved into our flat home in 2011. It was their first ever marriage, and we were delighted for them. They moved into the home when they were eight, so we feel confident that we will be able to match up with their needs. We have been very fortunate since our first month living in this home, having made our first visit to it after a wonderful journey down the mountains. "Our first contact did not come through an appointment with a friend, but simply for a visit. That is to say that we had no idea what a flat was until we arrived. During our first 30 days in the flat we have enjoyed a great start."
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