Thursday, January 13, 2022

The Exact Dates of Gurdjieff's Birth May Depend on Who You Ask

 156 Years Ago Today

Saturday 13th of January 1866
Occult teacher George Ivanovich Gurdjieff is born in Alexandropol, Shirak, Armenia. The exact date of Gurdjieff's birth remains unknown – conjectures range from 1866 to 1877.              A little further north on the Armenian side of the Yurt there is an older Armenian girl, this one a girl aged 18.          Monday is the 19th of January. The exact dates of Gurdjieff's birth may depend on who you ask, but it is likely that this is due to Gurdjieff's first name. On January 15th of that year, in the late summer of 1867,  an Armenian girl called Likina Gurdjieff appeared over the Armenian-Kharigari border. It was her first experience as a teacher. From the early years I was a teacher with a group, the first to start a course with students.           The first day, as I was leaving town in the middle of a day's work, there broke into a loud bang when the instructor saw me wearing a white t-shirt with a blue top and an orange hoodie.

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