Thursday, January 27, 2022

I Hope and Hope that with The Drowned Girl that We Can Take this on a Personal Level

 116 Years Ago Today She Was a Bamby

Saturday 27th of January 1906
Actress Starr Wyman Faithfull aka The Drowned Girl is born in Evanston, Illinois, United States.
She is an actress. She has played major roles in four films including The Wrench, The Girl After School, and the Love Boat. Strumming in the Rain is her first film. She recently wrote and directed the Oscar nominated documentary The Wreck to a Better World. On The Trail for The Drowned Girl (2004), she said: "I have never been able to achieve a high without my music and I hope my music inspires others to do the same because I really want people to feel it. Because I really think everybody needs to take the songs as a personal challenge and not to make them the sole source. And in this day and age, as well as so many other things that affect us and our own lives, we need to take it on a personal level. I think that people have been able to take a lot of self expression and expression on a personal level just from music. I hope and hope that with The Drowned Girl that we can take this on a personal level. I think that people have an innate sense of what it's like to be around another person, how the others in society, and society are feeling about their lives. I think music means it to us."

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