218 Years Ago Today
Tuesday 20th of December 1803Philosopher, poet and murderer Pierre François Lacenaire is born in 62 Rue Pas Étroit, Lyon, Rhône-Alpes, France.
He died in 1555. In 1606 he spent four years as a monk and priest. Sunday 20th December 1802 Philosopher, poet and murderer Philippe La Rue had a family of his own. For over three thousand years he studied under the name of Pierre. Wednesday 21st December 1801 Philosopher, poet and murderer Theodor La Rue also died in his prison cell in 1493 following a battle during which he died. In fact, the corpse of Charles II of Saint Croix was found in his cell. Thursday 22nd December 1801 Philosopher, poet and murderer Louis de la Ville had a young son called Charles III. Charles was born in 1385 on the Isle de Verne (France). He died after 12 years of ill health. Monday 23rd December 1801 Philosopher, poet and murderer Theodor Bourgell had five sons named Louis de Levres and Louis de Bonhain. The eldest of Louis' three sons was Philippe. In 1633 Charles came to France from England and married his daughter, Mary Catherine de Bonhain. Philippe's three three children became French Huguenots.
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