8 Years Ago Today
Monday 23rd of December 2013Serial killer András Pándy aka Father Bluebeard dies of natural causes at the age of 86 in Penitentiair Complex, Legeweg 200, Brugge, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium.
A young lawyer, Pándy headed a small team that would be instrumental in developing and implementing international sanctions against criminals. After a stint at the UN Security Council, Pándy lost a hand when his government took over in the mid-to-late 1970s. His life has been shrouded in mystery ever since, and it has been hard to come up with the details and what happened that day. But in 2002, Pándy met the Dutch man who had helped him uncover how the Dutch had manipulated the Dutch government and its leaders for their own financial gain. Pándy was murdered, along with eight others, by the Dutch government of the Netherlands. Pándy's testimony in the case began a series of international arrests, with hundreds of people arrested and tried in other countries as well. Pándy was not the only person that was murdered in this way at a massive scale. One man, Víctor Kuchtenköld and an accomplice, were found dead at a gas station. An eight-year-old boy who worked along the tracks on a track was murdered at an unknown location at 5:00 AM.
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