Sunday, November 21, 2021

Quentin Was a Tireless Advocate for the Development of Organic Recording and Electronic Music

 22 Years Ago Today

Sunday 21st of November 1999
Raconteur Quentin Crisp dies of a heart attack at the age of 91 in Claude Road, Manchester, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom.
He was born in Brighton on 17th May 1899. He was an accomplished pianist in his own right, with a lifelong dream of playing the organ. Throughout his career he was instrumental in countless orchestras, organ teams and orchestras worldwide, producing over 300 shows. In 1989 he also produced a number of works featuring instruments, organists and organ performers, with the goal of moving beyond the piano to other instruments and into the music that inspires and inspires each of us to explore. Quentin was a tireless advocate for the development of organic recording and electronic music. Born and raised in London, he was born in Hyde Park, Co Clare. He graduated from a local English school and went on to see the music he wrote and play in the United States as a pianist. Since graduating from the prestigious National Theatre Academy of Arts and Sciences he has served as a musical composer, recording technician in both English and German, as a member of a select group of English and German musical composers, an internationally known composer and a national and international audience for a wide range of music. In 1996 Quentin moved to Los Angeles as a director, and was the lead singer for members of the local musical troupe.

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