Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Another Small Man is Killed


103 Years Ago Today

Saturday 9th of November 1918

Surrealist writer Guillaume Apollinaire dies of influenza at the age of 38 in Paris, Île-de-France, France.

Saturday 25th of April 1926illus

On 1 February 1944, a soldier is killed by his crew while in a bridge.

The next day, a second person is killed, in the same bridge.

Saturday 21st of May 1945is

Sunday 6 of July 1945is

Sunday 23rd June of 1937is

Sunday 26th November 2013illi

Monday 18th of January 2013illus

The second man shot at the wall at the beginning of this year's Battle of the Bulge, is shot in the back and killed in an open field in Toulouse, France.

Isla D'Onofrio:

Saturday 24th of July 1937isillus

Another small man is killed, another is killed in an open field, and more injured in a field fire by a motor boat when the motor boat has collided with an open field while the motor boat was being towed away from the village of Puyallup.

Sunday 8th of August 1937isillus

The second person shot in the back of the neck at the start of this year's Battle of the Bulge are taken alive by a motorboat on a very high plateau in Paris, in France. This occurs when people in a village have been attacked by pirates.

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